Southern Girl, Liberal Heart

Here is some info on a subject I do not see nearly enough of. Nothing about the Civil War was as cut and dried as some want us to believe.

Cenantua's Blog

As the anniversary of each state’s vote to secede goes by, I see a tweet or two announcing the fact, but little discussion about the same. Occasionally, a newspaper article or editorial appears in a state newspaper’s online edition. Pretty much, it seems at times as if the states seceded… and that was it.

They seceded, they were Confederates, and that’s all we need to know… end of story.

Fact of the matter is, that’s what many (not all) a Confederate celebrationist would like us to believe (picture that unified, solid South), yet, the facts behind the secession of each state are far more complicated… and interesting… making for a much more fascinating story of the South in the Civil War.

Because I know that there are greater stories behind the states and the decisions to secede, I find myself referring back to several books on my shelves. With…

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